Byte Bricks Inc. Apps

الكاتب الشخصى
تقنيـة التعرف على صوت الإنسان جديدة نوعا ما..فقد بدأت عمليا فى نهاية التسعينات من القرن الماضى، ولكن اليومإنتشرت وصارت تدخل فى كل المجالات، من الطباعة على الكمبيوتر الىالتخاطب مع السيارة الى تناول القهـوة.. وهناك تطبيقات كثيرة فى هذاالمجال.التطبيق الذى اماكم يمتاز على ما هو معروض فى السوق، بأنه متعددالخصائص ومفتوح الى التطويـر المستقبلى.. والان تستطيع ان تملى علىالموبايل، ثم تراجع ما أمليته ثم تبعثه كرسالة قصيرة الى رقم تختارهمن سجل التلفون phone book الذى سيظهر لك جميع العناوين، وبلمسة عنوانترسل الرسالة الى متلقيها.. وفى التطبيق ميزات هندسية فهو يمكن انيرسل بنظام الأعداد السداسي Hex bytes لتشغيل اجهزة ومعدات أو ارسالهالأجهزة الكونترول. الأخرى.. هذه ميزة كبيرة جدا لأنها تفتح البابللتواصل مع كل الأجهزة والمعدات لو عرفت الأوامر المطلوبة لتشغيلهـا.كما نقدم خدمة إضافـة وظائف أخرى حسب متطلبات المستعمل.لغـة التشغيل هي العربيـة ولكن يمكن لمس زر اللغـة الإنجليزية فيصفحـة التحرير ومن ثم الإملاء بالإنجليزية.. العودة الى العربيةيكون بلمس زر العربيـة مرة أخرى.للإملاء، المس زر "تلكم" وعندما يظهر مكرفون قوقل باللون الأحمر داخلالمربع تكلم فوراً (وقت الصمت المسوح به قصيــر)Identify new human voicetechnique somewhat .. began practically at the end of the ninetiesof the last century, but today it spread and became intervention inall fields, from printing on the computer to communicate with thecar to the coffee .. There are many applications in thisfield.Application that Amakm advantage of what is on offer in the market,as a multi-properties and open to the future development .. and nowcan not tell Mobile, then drop what of dead and then send thepetition short as a message to the number of your choice from thetelephone log phone book, which will show you all the titles, andthe touch Title sends the message to the recipient .. Inapplication engineering features it can send the numbers systemHexagon Hex bytes for the operation of equipment or devices to besent CONTROL. Other .. This is a very big advantage because itopens the door to communicate with all the equipment. If I knew therequired commands to run. We also offer the service to add otherfunctions according to user requirements.Operating language is Arabic, but English can touch the button onthe page and then editing dictation in English .. back to theArabBe touching Arab button again.Dictation, touch the button "telecom" and when, microphone Googleshows a red box inside spoke immediately (time of silence surveysby Short)
Kassala Birds is a concentration game thatwill strengthen your ability to concentrate, follow-up jobs, payattention to your works and co-ordinate between all of your powers,including the mind, the eyes and the hands.The goal of the game is to avoid crashing the bird into a pipe wallor fall to ground, by following correct timing of clicking anywhereon the screen.
Solidarity with Artist Shareef
This app is a limited collection from theworksof graphic artist Ahmed El Shareef Abboud.The sole purpose from producing this app and selling it onGooglemarket is to help Mr. Abboud,who recently admitted to hospital for treatment. Like manyartistsand innovators, Mr. Abboudhas little savings and he wouldn't be able to pay medicalbillswithout the help from his colleaguesand friends.. so we are collaborating in this and other projectsandideas to raise some money tohelp him out.. All sales from this app will be sent to Mr.AhmedAbboud, either directly or throughDr. Hassan Musa..You are welcome and encouraged to donate more money bycontactingDr. Hassan Musa.Dr. Musa can be reached by email at:
Ebony Dubai
This is a special purpose App, designedandintended to help customers and visitors of EbonySudaneseRestaurant in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.The Hi-Tech restaurant, with paper-less menus and smart tableswithtouch screens for food menu and Internet browsing, is locatedneardowntown Dubai. This App is for those who are not familiar withthearea, and it will automatically display the location withouttheneed to type in street address. The App also will give usersfulldirections from wherever they are to the restaurant.. youdon'tneed to type-in neither your address nor the restaurant's. TheAppworks by invoking Google maps and pass to itlocationinformation.If you are in a far away country then Google Maps will return(NoRoute Found) error similar to the one displayed on theattachedpicture.
Radio Voice of Sudan
Enjoy listening to the best Sudanese music onthe net, Sudanese comedy in audio and (or) video.. etc.